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About Jewel

Through music, art and Spiritual studies and practice, Jewel discovered a transformative power to create peace and wellbeing, and awaken to the insights of her soul.


She loves to share her music and art, and mentor individuals on their path of creative self discovery, so they may also experience the joy, well being, relaxation, relief from stress, and balance and that music, creative arts  and transformation can bring. 


Jewel’s passion for music, creative arts, nature and mysticism began in her early childhood. She was drawn to the joy and peace it brought her and helped her through any challenge she experienced. It lights Jewel up to share the beauty, delights and healing potential of music and art with others and also to inspire and co-create with those who are drawn to her.


She enjoys encouraging and mentoring people, especially children of all ages, and assisting them in realizing their creative potential through the arts. The music within Jewel is continually expanding and all the arts are inseparably connected with the heart of who she is.


The music Jewel plays is uplifting, light, and free as well as meditative, reflective and magical. She loves music of the people from around the world, and music that heals, expresses love, devotion and beauty through a diversity of instruments, sounds and the voice.

Jewel loves words, poetry and songs that inspire images and speak of who we really are, and to create art and music that reflects our true nature, the sacred patterns, geometry and magnificence within all creation. To Jewel, all life is sound, melody, harmony and rhythm - it is all Music!


A lifelong artist, she especially enjoyed painting, drawing and working with clay. Jewel is now excited to be merging her art and music into one as she is inspired to expand and create new musical instruments. Her desire is to create instruments that anyone can easily enjoy playing beautiful tones that will bring wellbeing and peace to their heart and allow for creative expression and communication with others through sound and music. Jewel loves co-creating, collaborating, connecting and building community with music and art.

Since 1980 Jewel has performed a variety traditional and instrumental folk music from around the world both as a soloist and in small ensembles. For decades she specialized in Celtic, Scandinavian and European music as well as creating her own music.

Beginning on the piano at a young age, she has since explored and taught herself to play a diversity of instruments. In 1983 Jewel discovered and fell in love with her main instrument, the harp. 


In the last decade Jewel has focused more on her own compositions and improvisations, playing world flutes, voice, singing bowls, hand pan and a variety other instruments. She has also studied Eastern, Indian,  Native American music, devotional songs, chants and toning. Jewel still loves to play traditional world music, however she has discovered an even deeper passion for original, ambient, devotional free flow improvisation, composing and sound healing.

Jewel’s formal academic background and training is in studio arts, psychology, creative arts therapy along with many energy healing, holistic and spiritual modalities: ayurveda, reiki, reconnective healing and chi gong. For over four decades she has studied the potential healing and balancing energies of sound and music on our mind, body and spirit. She has been Certified in Sound, Voice and Music Healing and Yoga of the Voice, a holistic practice of freeing the voice, as well as Transformational Coaching and facilitating the Soul Integration™️  process as taught by the THEO Group Inc.

As she continues to expand her conscious awareness and love through music and the arts, Jewel would love to share the beauty of peace and healing through music and art with you!

Some of Jewel's credentials include:

  • BFA in Art/Ceramics from Drake University

  • Extensive study in Music, Psychology and Creative Arts Therapies

  • 17 years  Therapeutic Harpist at Legacy Hospital, Portland, OR

  • Creator/Teacher of the children's ceramics program at Valley Art Association in Forest Grove, OR and Sonoma Community Center

  • Four decades of experience teaching children and adults

  • Certified in Sound Voice and Music Healing & Yoga of the Voice

  • Certified Transformational Life Coach

  • Cert. Facilitator of Soul Integration™️ process by the THEO Group Inc.

  • Designer and creator of musical instruments

  • Winner of the 1983 International Autoharp Championships

  • Recorded on award winning projects with other musicians

  • Shown/sold hand crafted ceramic pieces in galleries and private collections throughout Arizona and the West Coast for over 30 years








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